Concierge Therapy

Therapy when you need it

Concierge therapy, at its best, is the most “client-centered” approach to enhance mental health and well-being.  Through this service, Dr. Leve offers psychotherapy and consultation when you need them – in real time. 

Dr. Leve’s concierge services are depth-oriented experiences informed by relational psychotherapy and designed for individuals who want to dig deep and make meaningful changes in their lives. People commit to concierge therapy because of acrisis, major life event, or to revisit unresolved problems.  You will rigorously immerse yourself to understand how you relate to yourself and others, and you will develop new approaches to recurring issues.  Therapy sessions are focused on highlighting your awareness of self-defeating patterns, learning new ways of coping, and developing more adaptive ways of being with ones self and with others. 

*Only a limited number of clients are accepted into this service in order to offer the highest level of care.


Concierge packages may include any or all of the following:

·      Sessions are available either in person, through Zoom / FaceTime, telephone, and, for some concierge clients, on-site at your locale

·      Appointments are available outside of normal business hours

·      Same-day appointments available

·      Clients can communicate by text message, email, and voicemail, including during evenings and weekends

·      Responses to communications within two hours

·      Session length extended as needed


Concierge services generally require a three month commitment, which enables Dr. Leve to provide an optimal level of care and help clients meet their goals.